AM.I is a Belgian artist known for her DJ sets at events like Tomorrowland, but she is also a skilled producer whose music has been released on respected record labels ranging from Metodi Hristov's Set About to Simina Grigoriu's Kuukou. AM.I’s latest release comes via Clif Jack's record label MJA the Vision, and we invited her for this chat to find out more about the “Distorted Life” EP…
Hi AM.I, it’s great to be talking with you. Can you start by telling us about your music style, and some of your main influences?
“Hi guys! Thanks for having me ☺️ I love it when my dark melodies and rhythmic vibes collide. My main influences have and will always be Victor Ruiz, Alex Stein, Enrico Sangiuliano, and many more.”
Where are you currently living, and what’s your opinion on the local music scene?
“I’m from Belgium, Antwerp to be more specific. The scene is amazing in Belgium, there are so many events and things to do when it comes to techno. My own events have been doing amazing and we’re very proud of our ravers here.
"We have a lot of cool underground clubs all around here in Belgium as well as the biggest and coolest festivals, which has been a major advantage for our local artists.”
You have played DJ sets at iconic events like Tomorrowland, and it would be interesting to find out what’s been your favourite gig so far?
“My favourite gig was my last event at Club Vaag. I opened up the club and took the crowd for the first 2.5 hours. And even then, I actually didn’t want to stop. 😃 Opening up a club has something magical that I can’t explain. You set the tone, from the beginning towards the middle/peak time of the night. I love to do it, and it’s very intimate to have the people so close to you, as in Club Vaag Antwerp.
"Of course, iconic gigs like Tomorrowland are beyond your wildest dreams as a performer, but they’re pretty difficult at the same time. You’re far away from the crowd, and such a mass of people is intense to get going. But it was amazing and I hope to do it again, in one of the coming years.”
Talk us through your studio set up, and if you prefer software or hardware equipment for making music?
“Aah, I’m so happy with the new studio! It’s been up and running since last year May 2023. Not only is it acoustically perfectly regulated, it’s just as cozy with the red interior and dimmed lights.
"The main pride of the studio, are the Kii Three Monitors. Never ever, have I heard a sound quite like them. Every little thing is detectable, not too much low, not too much high. Everything is perfect about them!
"I don’t use any analogue stuff, as I’m mainly focused on using my keyboard for plugins. My favourite ones are definitely the Culture Vulture distortion. What a sound! Also, Omnisphere, with their new, extra packages. These guys went beyond a lot of plugins and have a unique sound bank with everything on there.
"I’m also a big Arturia fan: SEM V, Efx, Pigments, and many more.
The main thing about producing, is how creative you can get, with not too many sounds. But just how you tweak them 😊”
You have a new EP out called “Distorted Life” and it would be great to learn more about those tracks and their concept?
“Well, I produced this EP at the end of my previous relationship, and during the breakup. I had a lot of tension in my body, and by writing this EP, I could fluently let it go. It took me longer to produce this EP, as my ears weren’t ready yet to enhance such a powerful studio environment.
"I’ve always been producing in my living room (which is good to begin and advance in your first stages), but the studio requires a different pair of ears. The tracks, especially “Low Tension,” have been doing amazing in the clubs and events. The little hook, gets everyone going!”
‘Distorted Life’ is being released by the MJA the Vision record label, and I wanted to find out how you first made contact with Clif Jack who runs the label?
“Well Jack and I released on the same compilation of Kuukou Records, Simina Grigoriu’s label. We both loved each other’s tracks and kept in close contact ever since. Now Jack has his own concept, label/event, so I was so happy he would have me om board with the new EP.
"Let’s hope I can bring another one in the future, but for now, we’re both super excited to be one of the first releases of his label. What an amazing artist! I wish him all the love and success, that he definitely deserves.”
What else is coming up in your schedule, any new releases or forthcoming gigs you are excited about?
“Yes, I have some new releases coming up, but unfortunately, I can’t mention any details. Rest assured it’s something pretty cool!
"There are also a lot of gigs in 2024 planned, that will be abroad and in Belgium. I’m also focusing on some bigger labels and on my own events, where I will bring the best artists in my opinion, to the cosiest club here in Antwerp!”
Thanks for doing this interview, is there anything you would like to add before we finish?
“For all the producers and dancers out there: Live in the moment, for yourself and for no one else. Don’t forget to celebrate other artists and yourself ❤”
Get a copy of AM.I's "Distorted Life" EP on MJA the Vision from HERE.