Rex The Dog is back with a dead cert dance summer anthem 'Change This Pain For Ecstasy' on Kompakt. Jake Williams the artist behind Rex The Dog is an avid analogue champion from his art putting pen to paper and his music. 'Change This Pain For Ecstasy' arguably claims the accolade for the most infectious hook of 2023. Rex The Dog will be live streaming on Friday 21st April to celebrate the launch of the EP, on his Twitch channel here.
We had the pleasure of digging inside the musical mind of Rex The Dog to find out some of the tunes that make this talented artist tick.
Lady Gaga - 1000 Doves (Planningtorock Remix) I’m including two Planningtorock remixes here as they’re so great. The original Gaga song is super, but PTR has distilled the emotion here into something that really hits hard.
The Knife - Pass This On (Dahlbäck and Dahlbäck Mix) This is an oldie but goldie. I love the video for the original version, but this is the version I played at every show for years - and it still kills. Lyrically amazing, but then of course The Knife and Fever Ray lyrics are generally the best in the world.
Daniel Maloso - Ritmo Especial Neo Italo Disco, with the sequencer bass right up front in your face. In a club it sounds gigantic and the handclaps bite your head off. So much fun. It has a kind of weird 'lack of bass drum' but I’ve loved it for a decade.
Romy - Lifetime (Planningtorock 'Let It Happen' Remix) Another great remix from Planningtorock. Beautiful lyrics, melody and performance from Romy and a galloping digital bassline from PTR anchoring the whole thing wonderfully.
Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
I love everything about this. Lyrically it’s great: callous and funny but kind of painful depending on how you see yourself in the story. When the vocal chop-ups go bonkers at 2:30 that is just brilliant and, to be very honest, I tried to rip this off a bit in my new record.